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Keyboard reprint service for QWERTY US layout


When we buy a used laptop, we often wonder what keyboard layout we will get and what these stickers mentioned by sellers in their offers are. We have decided to clarify this. It is no secret that a large portion of used computer devices comes from abroad. So the questions are entirely justified, and this article sheds new light on the subject.

To meet the expectations of our customers, we introduce the option to personalize keyboards. In simple terms, we start by regenerating keyboards to adapt their keys to the QWERTY US layout without having to cover them with specially prepared stickers.

Laptop with reprinted keyboard on QWERTY US

Reprinting of Keyboards

The keyboard reprinting, which I want to talk about today, is nothing more than reprinting the letters on the keyboard so that they correspond 100% to the English QWERTY US keyboard layout. In addition to adjusting the characters on the keys, this process also serves to refresh the appearance of the keyboard. As you know, the keyboard is the component that is most exposed to visible wear and tear. This is not surprising because, in addition to the mouse, which is often a separate accessory, it is the most important pointing device of a computer. Thanks to the keyboard, we write texts, enter our logins and passwords, ask the Internet for advice, or correspond with friends. Constantly rubbing our fingers over it creates abrasions, bright, shiny spots, or wears out the letters on the keys. The reprint option refreshes its appearance and makes your laptop keyboard look like new. Additionally, the layout is tailored to our needs.


Laptop keyboard after the reprint process

Durability and Warranty of the Print

Since October 2022, we have been testing keyboard reprinting both internally and with some selected customers. At this point, we can confidently say that the print meets the requirements for resistance to abrasion or mechanical damage. The print is durable, and under normal use, our tests have not shown excessive wear of the material. After several months of testing, the service is available to all our customers. To confirm our conviction, we provide a 12-month warranty.

What are the environmental impacts of reprinting?

An important aspect of the service is its impact on the environment. For the reprint, the original keyboard that was in the respective device is used. This process does not generate electronic waste; instead, we use functional, used components to which we give a new shine.

What exactly do we offer?

We offer our customers the option to reprint the keyboard. The customer can add this option to the shopping cart on the webshop page or ask a sales advisor to add it to the order. In short, when you buy a laptop in our shop, with the option of keyboard reprinting, you receive a full-fledged hardware with the English QWERTY US layout without the need to use stickers.

We also accept orders to reprint your keyboards. If you own a computer, two, three, or even more devices with a foreign keyboard layout, e.g., QWERTZ, AZERTY, or others, and want us to reprint it for you, simply order a keyboard reprint service and send us the removed keyboards of your laptops for personalization.

Comparison between the print (left) and the original keyboard (right)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Keyboard Reprinting

Every process has its pros and cons, and this is also the case here. However, we will focus on the pleasant ones:

  • lower costs compared to replacing with a new keyboard
  • positive environmental impact as the product is not replaced but refurbished
  • high resistance to abrasion
  • very good print quality
  • QWERTY US keyboard without stickers
  • 12-month service warranty

If you are interested in keyboard reprinting, please contact our customer service with the following form.
