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I AmSo Loyal

I AmSo Loyal

From now on you can collect Amso points for every purchase in our shop. These points

allow you to reduce the price of your order or exchange it for free shipping.

Amso Point
How does it work exactly?
For every euro spent on products in our shop you will receive 1 point.
1€ arrow 1 Amso Point
Each 25 points in our programme have a value of 1 euro.
25 Amso Point arrow 1 €

You can use the loyalty points in the shopping basket while placing an order to receive a partial or full discount for the order.


If you buy goods worth 100 euros, you will receive 100 points in our programme.

Points for purchases

You can exchange the points you collect for any products in our shop. For example, with 2500 points you can buy a product worth 100 euros.

Points for discounts
Special offers

In our shop, special products will appear for which you can earn more than 1 point per euro, as well as point promotions for products that will be available at special prices.

Save on shopping

You can also exchange Amso points for free shipping. This option is available when you submit your order!

Free shipping

Where can you check how many points you have collected?

You can check the number of points you have collected in the "My account" section.

Amso Point

Additional information


Points will be added to the account within 30 days from the date of order delivery.

Orders paid for with points do not generate additional loyalty points.

In case of cancellation of the order or return of the product, the points for the order will be deducted from the account.

The points cannot be exchanged for cash.

The points have no time limit and are valid indefinitely.
