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Apple - from the birth of the brand to the market revolution. History of the company


The beginning of Apple

The origins of Apple were laid in the garage of Steve Jobs' family home in Los Altos, California. In 1976, Jobs and Steve Wozniak developed the first product from Apple, the Apple I computer. It was one of the first personal computers on the market that was immediately ready for use without the user having to assemble it. The Apple I was initially sold as a do-it-yourself kit and gained some recognition among computer enthusiasts, but it was only a prelude to the real breakthrough that was to come.

Apple History

The Apple II computer

In 1977, Apple launched the Apple II computer, which became a real hit and helped the company achieve commercial success. The Apple II was the first computer with a graphical user interface, which meant that users could interact with the computer using a keyboard and mouse instead of typing text commands. This was a revolutionary approach that made computers more accessible and intuitive for ordinary users.

The Macintosh

in 1984, Apple launches another revolutionary product - the Macintosh computer. The Macintosh was the first personal computer with a graphical user interface that was available as a completely closed system, i.e. no text commands had to be entered. The Macintosh was widely recognized for its innovation and became a symbol of creativity and ease of use among creative professionals.

Apple History

The first problems

Unfortunately, despite the success of the Macintosh, Apple began to lose its position in the personal computer market in the 1990s. in 1997, Steve Jobs returned to the company as CEO and began a restructuring process. Jobs introduced innovative products such as the iMac, which combined performance and design in one computer, and the PowerBook G3, which became an icon of mobility and performance.

The big comeback of Apple

However, the biggest breakthrough for Apple came in 2001 when the company introduced the iPod. The iPod, a portable music player, revolutionized the way people listen to music. The device made it possible to store thousands of songs and was easy to use thanks to an innovative user interface.

Apple History

iPod and iPhone

The success of the iPod ushered in the era of the iPhone, which Apple launched in 2007. The iPhone was the first smartphone to offer an intuitive, touch-based user interface, combining multiple functions such as phone, media player and web browser in a single device. This device changed the way people communicate, access the internet and use various applications.

Following the success of the iPhone, Apple continued to innovate and launched other ground-breaking products such as the iPad, MacBook Air, Apple Watch and AirPods. The company has also developed its own software, such as the macOS and iOS operating systems, which have gained popularity and recognition from users around the world.

Apple History

Today, Apple is one of the most valuable companies in the world. The brand is associated with innovation, high quality and design. The Apple store has become a one-stop shop where customers can purchase a variety of products and receive technical support.

The history of the Apple brand is a story of technological revolution, innovation and success. The company has made it its mission to create innovative products that impact our daily lives and the way we use technology. Apple is an example of how a strong commitment to design excellence and usability can lead to success in the global technology market

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