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Off-lease Computers

are devices created by engineers from companies such as Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Fujitsu. The individuals who produced them know perfectly how to create machines for long-lasting work, providing quick and reliable performance. Buying such equipment on the day of the company's release involves paying huge sums, as they know that their employees will be working on equipment that will never let them down for the duration of the 3-4 year lease. After this period, the company has the option to buy the equipment or take out a new lease. Companies choose the latter option, and we buy such used computers, check, test, provide a warranty, and resell them. They no longer cost as much, but thanks to 12 years in the market, we know that their initial properties do not diminish over the years and offer the same great solutions to their buyers as on the day of release.

This is why off-lease computers have the best parameters on the day of their release and even after 3-4 years, they meet customer expectations. We offer not only typical office equipment, which we certainly have, but also powerful graphic workstations and even servers.

Cheap off-lease Computers

are a hit, especially with a legal system, all the more so because we have a 100% legal system thanks to an agreement with Microsoft, which not every seller can boast of. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that we provide a 12-month warranty for the equipment, with the possibility of extending it up to 36 months. You will find out everything by writing to us, calling, or visiting one of our points on the map of Poland. We encourage and above all invite you.
